Thanksgiving Dinner in a Basket Sponsorship | Round Rock


Purchase a Thanksgiving basket for Round Rock families in need this Thanksgiving.

The Carlson Law Firm in Round Rock is giving away Thanksgiving in a Basket this holiday season to assist families in need with Thanksgiving dinner! We are spreading the gift of joy and giving and would like to offer you the opportunity to join us to have a greater impact in the community! Sponsors will be recognized in each basket and on social media.

Please send your high resolution logo to Danielle at by November 1 to be included in sponsorship recognition. We care. We can help.


Each basket contains:

  • $30 HEB gift card to cover the cost of a turkey
  • Box of Stuffing Mix
  • Cranberry sauce
  • Package of Mashed Potato Mix 
  • Gravy Mix
  • Mac and Cheese
  • Can Corn
  • Green Beans
  • Cream of Chicken
  • French Onions
  • Jiffy Cornbread
  • Pie Crust
  • Pie Filling

Sponsorships will be accepted through November 1.